Sculptures by JMikk

Copyright 2014
Website designed and managed by Laurie Mikkelsen

Black Hole

Black Walnut, Menlo Park, CA
27” tall

I collected this log from a homeowner on my bike trip back from the dentist in exchange for making her a sculpted bowl.  This log was from the top of the tree, where it had been pruned maybe 30 years before, and from which several main branches had grown.  I deduced this from the fact that the main trunk was rotted and partially hollow.  Unfortunately the arborist had cut this top piece of the tree into a short squat log, with all the major branches cut close to the trunk.  At the time I was evolving my art from bowls to sculptures, so I painted the ends of the log to minimize cracking and let it dry in my woodpile for 6 years before starting this