Sculptures by JMikk

The source for this sculpture was half of a crotch that had been ripped from the tree during a wind storm.  The weakness which led to the failure was also an interesting feature for sculpting, namely a bark inclusion which prevented the formation of connecting grain between the growing trunk.  The surface of this inclusion had the appearance of a bearded face so I enhanced that appearance by polishing a small highlight to suggest an eye. 

The second attractive feature of this fallen trunk was the splintered end beyond the bark inclusion.  The splinters were up to 5 ft in length and suggested a feather headdress.  Unfortunately, when I tried to sculpt the splinters, I found that they were badly cracked and fell away from the sculpture leaving more of a spiked hair appearance than feathers.  With the shape of the bottom of the "beard" the sculpture took on a craggy old man, hence the name Druid, a worshipper of tree spirits.

Tree: Oak, Warriors Mark, PA

Dimensions: 58" x 13" x 16"

Copyright 2014
Website designed and managed by Laurie Mikkelsen
