Sculptures by JMikk

Copyright 2015
Website designed and managed by Laurie Mikkelsen


Walnut, Snowshoe, PA

 The crotch log was donated to me by a stranger from Snowshoe, PA in exchange for my help in removing the ailing tree from next to his house.  The inspiration for the overall form came from a previous sculpture which had two interconnected flutes but lacked a knitted "feather grain" between the two trunks.  This sculpture has magnificent feather grain which I highlighted in 4 major pockets that follow the grain pattern.  Since there was so much expanse of dark wood I chose to introduce two slots at the back of each major flute to both introduce light into the sculpture and enable views through to the other side to see the complementary flutes.  These slots enhance the upward movement of the piece as though a bird were taking flight, hence its name.