Sculptures by JMikk

Copyright 2015
Website designed and managed by Laurie Mikkelsen

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Tree: Cherry, Warriors Mark, PA
Dimensions: 54" x 19" x 16"

The log for this elegant sculpture came from an uprooted black cherry tree on my cousin’s tree farm.  The crotch log was located at about 20 feet from the ground and was formed by two stems that grew very close together, that is, parallel to each other.  This growth habit is often seen in cherry trees growing in a forest setting where they reach for sunlight.  Although it was not obvious from the outside, the crotch did not grow together, or knit, very far from the original joint of the sapling twigs.  Rather, the growing tree trapped bark between the stems to form a 3-foot long bark inclusion.  Fortunately I had envisioned a twisted flute structure which could be compatible with either a feather grain or a gap where the dried bark inclusion fell away.

The form of this sculpture can be described as a double flute, which is trimmed with bark forming a continuous natural edge winding around the entire sculpture.  Hence the obvious name, “Endless”.  Within this overall form are many design features upon which I spent considerable time and effort slowly iterating until I was satisfied with the subtle curves and openings, or “negative spaces”.  Obviously I had to proceed with caution since it is not possible to add back any wood if I did not like what I had done.