Sculptures by JMikk

Copyright 2014
Website designed and managed by Laurie Mikkelsen

Alternative View

Walnut, 21" x 13" x 15"
Menlo Park, CA

The short log the arborist left of this walnut tree was partially decayed in the center, a sign that inside in the log would be remnant wood surfaces with interesting shapes to incorporate into a sculpture.  The only question was what type of shape to use to express those internal features.  I decided on a “mushroom” like shape, but with several stems (please see alternative view below) to increase the area of internal exposed surface.  The top took on its shape by merely rounding off the original log; the rim of the top is the natural edge of the log with a few strips of bark attached (the remainder of the bark fell off because borers had consumed most of the cambium, the actively growing layer between the bark and the sapwood).  I named this piece as it was taking shape because of the “front” view; from other views the sculpture gives very different impressions.
