Sculptures by JMikk

Copyright 2015
Website designed and managed by Laurie Mikkelsen


Tree: Walnut, Santa Clara, CA
Dimensions: 29" x 14" x 10"

The log for this sculpture was where three stems formed a crotch in a tree removed by arborists.  Unfortunately arborists generally cut off limbs near the trunk (see "Chatoyance").  There was just enough wood extending from the trunk to design flutes on either side of the feather grain where the two trunks knit together, and a third shorter flute.  However, the half flute did not look like it belonged with the other two, so it took 8 years of examination and consideration to decide on how to modify the piece into an integrated form.  This sculpture became the inspiration for "Phoenix", also out of walnut, but from a damaged tree I helped to remove and therefore could cut where I chose.