Sculptures by JMikk

The log for this sculpture has a long story associated with it.  Four blocks from where I lived in Los Altos, CA, is a large lot on which is sited a large municipal water storage tank and the front of the lot of about 2 acres contained an old walnut orchard.  When I found out that the city was going to remove the trees to make a small park I inquired about salvaging some of the logs.  Of course I got the run around for 6 months but was told that I would be informed of the removal date.  On the way to work one day I noticed that a work crew was setting up on the lot so I took off a long lunch break and biked home to get my pickup truck.  Most of the trees were already gone.  The crew was on a lunch break and fortunately for me one worked was willing cut me one log.  So I quickly looked around and the most interesting "tree" was a clump of regrowth.

 Walnut, 44" x 12" x 19"

Mountain View, CA

Copyright 2014
Website designed and managed by Laurie Mikkelsen
